There are at least 8 types of fundraising campaigns that you can use to invite others to share in your cause. In this blog post, we will explore briefly each type and, then share a way of choosing which would best suit your cause.
8 types of fundraising campaigns:
Sell shares. Co-operatives and other firms limited by shares can sell shares to raise funds. This will not be possible if your organisation does not have shares, is a company limited by guarantee, or is a charity.
Organise events or ask for donations from members of the community. This can include crowdfunding, golf days, street collections, and so on. This is labour-intensive and requires a strong team effort. Large donations take a long time to secure and require a close relationship with the donor.
Write funding proposals to various trusts and foundations. Good writing skills and attention to detail are a must for this sort of fundraising.
Trade and sell services or things. Many social enterprises use this approach as their primary income stream.
Seek legacies from people who leave donations in their wills.
Charge membership fees. This works if your organisation has members.
Get money from state actors to do specific pieces of work that government policy requires. Often this may be due to the failure of the state to provide services. Social impact investing brings public and private investors together to ensure such services.
Non-financial exchanges are arrangements where organisations share resources to further a cause that serves the public Good. This is a legitimate and important strategic fundraising activity that often works alongside raising money.
Now, to make sense of these different forms of fundraising activity, it may assist you to think of them in terms of how much effort, money and skill they each require and also in terms of how much freedom and choice they allow the funds raised to be spent.
Low-effort campaigns mean those that don't cost too much time, money, or sweat to run.
Low-freedom campaigns are ones where the funds raised are largely restricted to contracted outcomes or where the funds raised are in exchange for ownership of the organisation.
High-effort campaigns demand a lot of time, sweat, and budget to run.
High-freedom campaigns allow great latitude in how the funds raised may be spent.
For help with your fundraising campaigns, contact us at Brickless: